第2講 動詞と補語(2)

 解答 チェックした後は日本語に訳してみるといい復習になるよ!

1.I cannot stand this cold winter.

  stand A   「(否定文で)Aに耐える、我慢する」

bear A = put up with A = endure A

2.This new engine will save you 30 percent of your fuel.

  save A B   「AにBを節約させる、省かせる」
cost A B   「A(人)にB(金額・費用)がかかる」
take A B   「A(人)にB(時間)がかかる」
spare A B   「AのB(時間やお金など)を省く、割く」

3.A happy idea occurred to me.

  occur to A  = come to A  = come into one's mind

4.Please concentrate more on this problem.

  concentrate on A   「Aに集中する、専念する」
congcentrate A on B 「AをBに集中させる」

5.May I ask you a favor?

  ask A a favor  = ask a favor of A
do B a favor  = do a favor for B

  ※May I ask you a favor? = May I ask a favor of you?
   =Will you do me a favor? = Will you do a favor for me?

6.Such conduct does not become a gentleman.

  become A(人)  「A(人)に似合う、ふさわしい」
become C     「Cになる」(Cは形容詞・名詞)

suit A    「(服などが)Aに似合う」
match A  = go with A  「A(物)と調和する」

7.I think I'd better make all the reservations for my trip. 

  make reservations for A  「Aの予約をする」

    had better do (原形)〜   「〜したほうがよい」

8.He made every effort to finish the work by Saturday.

  make an effort to do ~   「〜しようと努力する」

9.He takes the medicine every day.

  take the medicine  = take one's medicine


