第7講 準動詞と群動詞(2)

 解答 チェックした後は日本語に訳してみるといい復習になるよ!

1.Never have anything to do with people who are

  have something to do with A  「Aと何らかの関係がある」

   ※問題文は否定文なので、something anything に変える。
    have little to do with A   「Aとほとんど関係がない」

2.I have no choice but to accept the offer.

   have no choice but to do ~   
There is nothing for it but to do ~ 
    cannot help ~ing 

3.David managed to swim across the river.

  manage to do ~   「どうにかして〜する、まんまと〜する」

4.He remembered to call his mother.  

  remember to do ~   「忘れずに〜する」
remember ~ing    「〜したことを覚えている」

5.To make matters worse, he was absent from
 the meeting.                   

  to make matters worse  「さらに悪いことには」
be absent from A    「Aを欠席する」

   ※to begin with     「まず第1に」
to sum up       「要約すれば」
to say the least    「ごく控えめに言っても」

6.She has had a special training with a view to
a spacewoman.          

  with a view to ~ing  = for the purpose of ~ing
            「〜する目的で」(to の後ろは動名詞)

   =in order to do ~  「〜する目的で」(to の後ろは動詞の原形)


7.He is, so to speak, a walking dictionary . 

  , so to speak,  = , as it were,    「いわば」

8.The students are worried. They are supposed to have an

  be supposed to do ~  「〜することになっている」

   ※be supposed to be C  「Cと思われている、考えられている」

9.She speaks German and French, not to mention English.

  not to mention A  = to say nothing of A
               = not to speak of A
               = let alone A


